Monday, August 13, 2012

The Not So Bummer Summer: Part three

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Dating this summer was a lot harder then I remember it being. Maybe because this summer was my first experience with actually dating. I can admit that I am a very late bloomer, but better late then never. I've worked a lot on my self confidence this summer, worked out, lost weight, achieved some balance to my life. With the help of the spirit I've really tried to "put my self out there" as they say and the response while confidence boosting has been much harder to deal with then I could have imagined. 

The Good
In one day I had two dates. The day started with institute and class then I met up with Travis at Zupas for lunch. It was great. It always is with Travis. We had great conversation and he even admitted to me that he is a slow mover. I'm still not sure what the meant, if he was just confiding in me because were friends or if he was telling me he likes to go slow and to give him time? Any who it was a great lunch date casual with not strings attached. The date that night was with a guy named JJ who I not only liked but from everything that had transpired apparently liked me too. We went to brick oven and then ended up talking in his car forever afterwords. It seemed to have been a good date. I was finally dating boys I was interested in.

The Bad
I'm pretty sure there are several scriptures that say opposition in all things. After the last day of institute a boy asked me out. At the time I didn't think much on the fact that this kid only showed up on the last day of class. Ah well, it was pretty cool to be asked out. I gave him my number and we made tentative plans for Friday. Now he wont leave me alone. I think I'm going to have to block his number from my phone. My mom is pretty worried about the whole thing and thinks this kid is a class A creeper. I think I have to agree. Tomorrow I have a second date with a kid that I'm not very interested in. He lives in Logan and that has bought me some time but this past month he has tried to text and call a few times just to chat. I try to put myself in his shoes and I guess I would do much the same if I was interested.

The Ugly
So I've had the good, I've had the bad. I'm now chest deep in the ugly. I have to try and tell this kid tomorrow that I'm not interested. I'm so scared of it but felt it was important to do in person and as kindly as I possibly can. I have to cancel and somehow extract my number from creepy institute boy. All the dates with good boys have lead to absolutely nothing. I don't understand why this mutual attraction thing is so difficult to find. 

For someone with prescription grade commitment issues this has been overall a successful dating season. Yes I wish dating were not so hard, and yes I wish the boys I did like were the ones filling up my missed calls list, but important lessons were learned, experiences were had and overall I'm very ready to be done dating. 


  1. My advise.. injoy it All of it! This is suppose to be a fun time in your life so relax! Plus all the ugly and bad stuff helps you figure out what you really want.

  2. These experiences will be for your good. It is hard and frustrating, but it is fun and exciting too. Enjoy it. Have fun with it. It is a roller coaster ride.
