Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Not So Bummer Summer: Part...Something

School House Rock

This summer is the first time I have had a break since I came home from my mission. And how needed it was. I took of the first block of summer school off so that I could enjoy my trips and weddings and  have some much needed R&R. I literary spent two weeks sleeping and reading. It was awesome. I'm pretty sure that Marnie's family thought I died since I only resurfaced for food. It was probably a little extreme but seeing as it is the only real me time I've had in a very long time I've decided to not feel guilty about it.

Summer school restarted for me the end of June. It was a strange feeling getting that nervousness on the first day of school. I have been going nonstop that I haven't had a first day of school in a very long time. The classes I took this semester were math and a deaf cultural studies class. I was worried math would be really hard for me since I stink at math, but I was blessed with a wicked talented teacher who made it really simple. I passes both classes with a solid A.

I feel that I learned a lot this semester and began to understand why some people enjoy summer school. Its not half bad when your not cramming 18 credits in. I had a lot of decision making this semester as well. About a week before the semester ended I missed out on the wait-list. It was consecutive interpreting and I really wanted it to feel more proficient in interpreting...what I want to do if I grow up. So I felt it was a sign and went into a three day tailspin about what I was now going to do with my future. It can be a very confusing time in a young girls life trying to plan for an uncertain future. I decided that I will be an institute teacher. I at least plan to apply when I graduate and see where it will go. I also plan to take mentoring lessons with one of my old professors to try to get me up to par for the interpreting certification and see if I cant pass that without taking the classes I should be taking. I feel blessed to have made some decisions and to feel good about them, but it was probably one of the most stressful times of my life.

The upcoming semester should be a really fun one for me as well. I will have 18 credits. 3 of which are racquetball,  aerobics, and American social dance. The other 15 credits are your typical senior core classes. I also was awarded work study this semester. Which means I will be working 40 hours. I know I'm crazy to be doing this to myself, but everything seems to be working out too well not to give it a try. I have an interview on Monday to see if I will be a language tutor. How cool would that be to be a tutor for ASL. I hope that I get it and that I can do it! As crazy as my schedule will be next semester there is a small part of me that is excited and sees it as a challenge. I want to prove that I can do it. Nothing is impossible with the Lord right?

1 comment:

  1. So How come I never knew you had a blog? When did this start? :) Tryng to make any life changing choice is stressful. I'm glad you feel like you have made some and that they will be good choices for you. Love you!
